Sunday, November 21, 2010

BC, LBC, NoBC?????

I've had hair that is at least shoulder length for most of my life (except when my hair broke off from my first round with the relaxer when I was 5). I actually started my hair journey with the intention to do a relaxed hair journey and grow my hair as long as I could. After a few weeks I scrapped the idea for several reasons:
1) The thought of allowing myself to get more relaxer burns didn't seem to be worth the length, and I hadn't seen any tips on how to reduce burning (that I hadn't already tried) from my research
2) My relaxed hair is super thick and has never been very easy to tame, so big hair is actually inevitable for me relaxed or natural
3) With a relaxer my hair would perpetually be in limbo, I would always have two textures to deal with except for maybe 2-3 weeks after each relaxer
4) I knew that eventually I would stop relaxing, and I didn't want to get attached a lot of length w/relaxed hair only to cut it off and start over with natural hair.

So tomorrow will make 10 months since my last relaxer. The most recent plan was to straighten and  chop my hair to about shoulder length with layers at my one year mark in January. And then do a full BC by July, ending my transition at 18 months. But right now my hair is grazing BSL and I'm thinking that by January it will be at full BSL. I'm really starting to lean towards no BC and just continue to allow my hair to grow out. I don't think my hair has ever been this long, and I like the way my braidouts look with this hair length, so I'm thinking I will grow my hair out to BSL and then try to maintain it there. I will still do a trim and layers in January, I just won't take off much length.

HOWEVER, I'm really torn, because transitioning is getting more difficult due to detangling the two different textures plus the fact that braidouts are not concealing the different textures as well as it used to. I do plan to do a henna treatment soon and that should help with my detangling issue. But I just don't know which is the best option right now. *sigh*

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